
Webstore Setup

Kyozou / Webstore Setup

Your Kyozou Webstore

Adding another channel is easier than you think! Kyozou experts will take your current eBay listings and set up your very own webstore so you can generate additional sales. This package includes all the key features needed for a successful e-commerce store:

*please note that this is based on setting up a Kyozou Webstore with the intention of using eBay store categories as the foundation for setting up the inventory. If the eBay store categories are going to be different than the webstore then a quote is needed for this kind of setup.

Design/Add Favicon

Make your site your very own brand. At Kyozou, we’ll help you develop your proper brand if you haven’t already, and getting a favicon in place is the start.

Synchronize your eBay inventory with the Webstore

Kyozou’s industry leading multi-lister feature will have your inventory synchronized not just on eBay and Amazon, but also with your own website. Adding another sales channel doesn’t have to take a ton of extra work with Kyozou.

Create categories within the Webstore

No matter what you’re selling and no matter the variety of your products, with Kyozou you can create multiple different categories in the system and on your site to keep you organized. Your customers will benefit too!

Setup Homepage

Our webstore and homepage templates are designed to convert and get you sales. Make your website your very own and make it look good with Kyozou.

Connect with Add This

Kyozou supports integration of AddThis to get your customers sharing your website for you. In 2019, social media can make or break your sales and we’re here to make your sales soar.

Connect with Google Analytics

With a data rich console, Google Analytics can give you deep reporting into your websites visitors and more. Kyozou’s webstore can be integrated with Analytics to give you proper metrics to make informed decisions about your business.

Design 3 Banners

With proper design support, Kyozou can have your site looking great in no time. You can also request custom design work to have us tailor your site to your exact requirements.